
佛山LEXAN PC 154

佛山LEXAN PC 154

应用范围:产品描述LEXAN PC 154物性表LEXAN 154 is a polycarbonate resin with a branched molecular structure for extrusion and blow moulding. FDA food contact compliant in limited colors. Effective January 15th, 2007 th




LEXAN PC 154物性表

LEXAN 154 is a polycarbonate resin with a branched molecular structure for extrusion and blow moulding. FDA food contact compliant in limited colors. Effective January 15th, 2007 this grade is no longer supported with biocompatibility information and should not be used for medical applications which require biocompatibility. Contact your GE representative for the alternative grade in the Lexan HP series.

发布时间:2022/5/11 9:45:08

上一个:佛山LNP Thermocomp DF003E

下一个:佛山LNP Thermocomp DF004