佛山Valox PBT IQ420HP
应用范围: 产品描述 Valox PBT IQ420HP物性表 “Valox IQ420HP resin是一种聚丁烯对苯二甲酸酯(PBT)材料,含有的填充物为30%玻璃纤维增强材料,加工方式为:注射成型。 Valox IQ420HP resin的主要特性有: 环保/绿色 可接触食品 Valox IQ420HP resin的典型应用领域为:食品接触应用” 相关颜色色号:IQ420HP-1001
“Valox IQ420HP resin是一种聚丁烯对苯二甲酸酯(PBT)材料,含有的填充物为30%玻璃纤维增强材料,加工方式为:注射成型。
Valox IQ420HP resin的主要特性有:
Valox IQ420HP resin的典型应用领域为:食品接触应用”
Environmentally responsible, low carbon footprint Valox iQ* resin – Valox* iQ420HP resin is made using iQ-PBT resin and 30% glass fiber reinforcement. Valox* iQ420HP may be used for the production of food contact articles intended for repeat use (and not for single use) in contact with all food types, and under all conditions of use per FDA table of food types, with the exception of irradiation and cooking/baking at temperatures above 250 degrees F. This includes microwaving within these same temperature constraints. If colorants are added to the resin, these must be evaluated separately for their appropriateness for food contact applications.